Heart Health

Keeping Your Heart Healthy

To stay healthy, one must maintain a healthy heart. It is possible to reduce your heart attack and stroke risks at any age by adopting a healthy lifestyle. The time to start caring for your heart is never too early or too late. You can reap the benefits of healthy lifestyles for a longer period of time, the younger you begin. It’s still possible to improve your health even after a heart attack if you swap good habits for bad ones.

To maintain good heart health, eat healthier foods and exercise regularly. In addition to reducing your heart disease risk, you can do a range of other things. Following are the causes of heart diseases:


High blood pressure.

Obesity/being overweight.

High cholesterol levels.

Inactivity (no exercise).

Family history of heart disease (especially a parent or sibling).

Making changes to your lifestyle is one of the most effective ways to decrease your risk. No matter what your family history of heart disease may be, prevention is on your side.

Path to improved health

Many things directly affect your heart’s health, so you have direct control over them. This is your responsibility, so you should take it seriously. Healthy living may be easy for some people. Some people will seek treatment only after being diagnosed with symptoms of heart disease. These symptoms may include high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

If you want to keep your heart healthy, know that the benefits are worth the effort. If you keep your heart healthy, you will benefit the whole body. In addition to protecting you from chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, asthma, and joint pain, having good overall health can protect you against a wide range of chronic illnesses. Your risk of cancer may even be reduced. It has also been proven that living a healthy lifestyle, including eating healthy foods and exercising regularly, improves moods. There will also be a reduction in stress.

Try starting with just one healthy habit at a time if you don’t know where to begin. Adding one after another will help you gain control. As a result, you’ll feel empowered rather than overwhelmed.

Make healthy food choices

For long-term health, eating well requires balance. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and lean protein should make up a large portion of your diet. When you follow this eating pattern most of the time, you’ll still be able to indulge occasionally.

There is nothing wrong with eating something you crave every now and then. Treat yourself to a treat after eating healthily, and don’t feel guilty about it. Be careful not to overindulge.

Consider the color of your vegetables when choosing them. You can ensure you are getting the vitamins and minerals you need by eating a colorful plate of red, orange, yellow, and dark green vegetables.

Limit your intake of heavily processed foods, or even eliminate them altogether. Foods that are highly processed are those that are packaged and boxed, especially those that can be eaten right away (think crackers, potato chips, even fast food). Sodium-free foods are also a good choice.

Water is a healthier alternative to soda and energy drinks. Soda and energy drinks contain an incredible amount of sugar. By substituting water for these, you will significantly improve your health. Make sure to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day.

Watch your weight

Obesity and obesity are unhealthy. The larger your BMI, the more weight you gain. Your body mass index (BMI) determines how much fat you have based on your height and weight. You are more likely to develop high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar levels if you have a high BMI. As well as respiratory problems, gallbladder disease, liver disease, and even cancer, obese people can suffer from gallbladder disease.

Maintain a healthy diet and workout to keep your heart health up to standards. Your health can be improved even if you lose a small amount of weight. Losing just 5% to 10% of your body weight can significantly reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke, according to the American Heart Association (AHA).

Be active

Exercise does not require a gym membership or expensive equipment. Simply getting up and moving will do. Walk around. Walk up and down. Get up and move around. Dance. Adults are recommended to get at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Every day, children should take part in physical activity.

Aerobic exercise directly affects your heart. Your heart becomes stronger as a result of aerobic exercise. Having a healthy heart will enable it to pump blood efficiently, providing oxygen and nutrients to other body parts. Being physically active can lessen your risk of developing artery plaques. A waxy substance known as plaque clogs arteries and reduces blood flow to the heart. Over time, plaque can even block the artery. A heart attack results from this.

Know your numbers

A person’s blood pressure and cholesterol level should be known to every adult. Blood pressure should be checked every three to five years starting at age 18. High blood pressure is often asymptomatic. You can only be sure by checking.

All adults who are 20 years of age or older and who smoke or have a family history of heart disease should be screened regularly for cholesterol. After the age of 45, women should begin to have regular cholesterol checks. The age for men is 35. In addition to blood pressure and cholesterol screening, diabetes screening should be performed if you have been diagnosed with either of these conditions.

Stop smoking

No new news here. Smoking is bad for you. It makes you sick. The lungs are damaged by it. It is also very harmful to your heart. You are more likely to develop heart disease if you smoke. As a result, the arterial walls are damaged. Numerous studies have shown that smoking cigarettes can lead to coronary heart disease, which contributes to heart attacks.

Stop stressing

Stress management may aid in reducing your risk of heart attack and stroke. Hypertension is a common consequence of stress. Stress hormones are elevated in your body when you’re under chronic stress, which is not healthy, either.

Stress can be processed through breathing exercises. A common way to manage stress is through meditation. Regular exercise can also reduce stress levels. Smoking, drinking alcohol, and letting stress interfere with sleep are poor ways to cope with stress.

Things to consider

The United States has consistently had a high mortality rate from heart disease. Heart attacks and strokes are often the results of heart disease.

Heart attack

Myocardial infarctions (or heart attacks) occur when blood flow to the heart is blocked. An accumulation of plaque (fat and cholesterol) is the cause of this blockage. Heart attacks damage, and sometimes destroy, parts of the heart muscle.

It is possible to die from a heart attack. You are more likely to survive a heart attack if you receive medical care as soon as possible. Heart attacks are treated differently. Your doctor may need to perform surgery depending on the severity of the attack. The surgeon will attempt to clear or repair the blocked artery during surgery. LBHC doctors may also prescribe medicines to lower your blood pressure.


If the brain is deprived of its blood supply, it suffers a stroke. Veins can become blocked or burst when they are blocked or burst. The obstruction prevents oxygen from reaching the brain, resulting in the death of brain cells.

It is possible to die from a stroke. It is more likely that you will survive a stroke if you seek medical attention as soon as possible. The onset of a stroke has several side effects, which can be avoided with quick medical care. Paralysis or speech problems are a few of the side effects. The type of stroke will determine the treatment. Surgery may be needed in some cases. Sometimes, medications are effective in treating strokes.

When to see a doctor:

If you’re over the age of 40, you should be getting regular blood pressure and cholesterol tests from your doctor. Both indicate heart disease. Your doctor will prescribe you a treatment plan that includes a healthy lifestyle if you have been diagnosed with heart disease. Prescription medications may also be included to help control cholesterol or high blood pressure.

Call 911 right away if you suspect a heart attack or stroke is occurring. Among the most common heart attack symptoms are:

Uncomfortable chest. A chest pain, tightness, squeezing, and pressure may occur. These symptoms usually last for more than a few minutes. Occasionally, they come back again.

Pain in one or both arms. Sometimes this pain isn’t limited to your arms. You may feel pain in your jaw, neck, back, or stomach.

This will come on suddenly and may feel like indigestion.

Shortness of breath.

Cold sweat.


Stroke symptoms are often more easily recognizable than those for a heart attack. According to the AHA, here is how to spot a stroke F.A.S.T.:

Drooping of the face – Does one side droop or is it numb? Smile if they can. Are their smiles even?

Are you experiencing arm weakness or numbness in one arm? Make sure that both arms are raised. Do one or both arms drift downward?

Slurred speech – Is speech difficult? Is the person having trouble speaking or understanding? Do they repeat the sentence correctly? For example, “The sky is blue.”

The person should contact us at 7085806956 or contact Love Bird Health Care as soon as they show any of the following symptoms even if the symptoms go away. Write down what time the symptoms started showing up.